A group of children walking through the woods in their Red Pro Change Robes
A group of children walking through the woods in their Red Pro Change Robes

What To Do On Boxing Day In The Great Outdoors

Written by Alex Clasper /

Boxing Day makes for a perfect opportunity to unwind after all of the excitement that comes with Christmas with a relaxing outdoor trip. The aftermath of the holiday season is a great time to bond with friends and family and end your Christmas on a high note with a whole variety of outdoor Boxing Day activities. In this blog, we’ll look into what to do on Boxing Day with some of our top picks of activities that we think are perfect for getting outdoors when you’ve polished off your turkey! 

Explore Winter on a Boxing Day Hiking Trip

Heading up our picks for what to do on Boxing Day is a winter hiking trip. Pack up the car and make your way to your favourite hiking destination. Be it a day-long expedition or just a short tour of the local park, a crisp winter hiking trip makes for a great way to clear your mind and immerse yourself in the great outdoors. Just make sure that you’re wrapped up warm and properly equipped. A Revolution 3-in-1 Parka would be the perfect companion for a winter hiking trip - combining understated style with a host of incredible features to make the ultimate performance parka that’s sure to keep you dry and cosy while you’re out.

Organise a Family and Friends Active Day Out

If you’re trying to figure out what to do on Boxing Day, why not take advantage of the holiday by putting together a competitive activity day with your friends and family? You can try organising a group excursion with a competitive edge for a whole load of Boxing Day fun. Maybe you can try setting up a team sports day with a game of football, or organise a SUP race on the water for a bit of paddleboarding fun. If you’re looking for a competitive edge in your family SUP race, then check out our other blog on the benefits of Red’s racing paddle boards here.

A woman wearing the Red Performance Long Sleeve Top in the snow
A man hiking with his dogs in the snow while the dog pulls the sled

Go on a Boxing Day Dog Walk

There aren’t many Boxing Day activities as relaxing as a good dog walking session. It’ll give you a chance to make use of your dog’s brand-new Christmas toys and get some fresh air for yourself as well. It can also be a good chance for a Boxing Day family outing so it’s an all round win-win. Besides, it’s likely that your furry friend could do with a bit of exercise to burn off all of the unattended food that mysteriously disappeared over Christmas Day!

Head Out on a Winter Bike Ride

If you’re not much of a walker, then worry not. We’ve got the perfect idea for what to do on Boxing Day. A short cycling trip can be great fun and involve all of the family. Even if you and your family don’t own your own bikes, bicycle rental establishments can be found everywhere - just be aware that many will be closed for the holidays, so it’s a good idea to check in advance if they’re going to be open. And if the weather looks a tad chilly, why not pick up a RED Performance Long Sleeve Top to keep you warm and cosy white also be breathable and quick-drying at the same time?

Have a Picnic With Your Christmas Leftovers

Why not make use of all of the leftover food from Christmas Day by organising a Boxing Day picnic with your friends and family? If you’re looking for things to do on Boxing Day and have a pile of leftovers to clear up, then why not just knock out two birds with one stone and fill your waterproof cool bag backpack with turkey sandwiches and head out to enjoy them with family and friends? You even combine this idea with some of our other top picks for what to do on Boxing Day to add an extra layer of deliciousness to your exciting day out.

So there you have it, our top picks for what to do on Boxing Day in the great outdoors. We hope that this blog has given you some inspiration for how you’re going to spend your Boxing Day this year. If you have any questions about any of the awesome products that we offer at Red, feel free to get in contact with our team for professional advice from the experts.

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