Find Your Peace Outside. Our First TV AD
Find Your Peace Outside. Our First TV AD

Find Your Peace Outside. Our First TV AD

Written by Luke Green /

We're strong believers in the power of the outdoors and how it helps us escape the chaos of the world around us. Earlier this year, we visited Sweden to meet a group of everyday adventurers, who taught us the art of ice dipping to find peace but also energy. 

Captured in our very first TV advert, now airing, Frida shares with us how ice dipping allows her to really focus and forget all the other stuff going on in the ‘real world’. Check out the advert below and keep an eye on our social channels for more epic stories from Sweden. 

Everyday Adventures in Sweden

When we were looking for true adventurers to put our products through their paces in a harsh winter environment, Sweden was the clear choice. So, the Red team set off on a week-long adventure to the Nordics with our photography and film crew in tow to capture all of the action. 

Following a brief stop in Stockholm we drove 6 hours into the night to meet Frida Benedikt, our tour for the week in the snowy mountain resort of Salen. The next few days were filled with cross country skiing, dog sledding, hiking, paddle boarding – ending the week with an ice dip. Frida tried to explain to us why she likes to swim in icy water “you really have to be there. You don’t have time to think about any other things. Any other stuff and problems in life.” 

Frida and fellow local adventurers Ida and James took us along a very long icy road, further and further into the Dalarna countryside to find the chosen ice dipping spot on a local frozen lake. We had been told the ice hole had been opened only a week ago so it should be easy to cut through again. Armed with a 5ft ice saw, axes and a large electric drill, we set to work cutting through the ice, standing in the middle of this large lake. After almost 2 hours we finally pulled out a 3-foot chuck of ice that had re filled the hole! Taking it all in their stride, Frida and Ida then took to the icy water to dip, breathing slowly and calmly to overcome the extreme cold and pain, they emerged invigorated and reenergised. 

Wrapped up in in their Evo Pro Change robes post dip Frida explains what happens when she’s in the water: 

“When your body starts to get calm, it’s when the rush of happiness starts to run out to your veins. I don’t really know how to explain it, you have to experience it. I’m more at peace of course, when I’m outside.”


Read more about Frida and her love of adventure here.

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