Can The Benefits Of Paddle Boarding Help Beat The January Blues?
Looking for ways to stay positive & motivated in January? The physical & mental health benefits of paddle boarding could help you out. Find out more.
Written by Luke Green /
Every product we make is born from alternatives not quite meeting our needs or to the quality we desire for our outdoor gear and this is the same for our new Red Original Dog Buoyancy Aid. There have been buoyancy aids for animals out on the market for years but they’ve never quite done the job well enough or seemed to have small design errors that drove us mad, so we decided to make our own.
Building on what we learnt when it came to improving regular personal flotation devices up to the standard for our Airbelt PFD, we made a few small changes here and there to ensure that your four-legged friend is as safe as you are out on the water.
Every product we make is born from alternatives not quite meeting our needs or to the quality we desire for our outdoor gear and this is the same for our new Red Original Dog Buoyancy Aid. There have been buoyancy aids for animals out on the market for years but they’ve never quite done the job well enough or seemed to have small design errors that drove us mad, so we decided to make our own.
Building on what we learnt when it came to improving regular personal flotation devices up to the standard for our Airbelt PFD, we made a few small changes here and there to ensure that your four-legged friend is as safe as you are out on the water.
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