Can The Benefits Of Paddle Boarding Help Beat The January Blues?
Looking for ways to stay positive & motivated in January? The physical & mental health benefits of paddle boarding could help you out. Find out more.
Written by Jess Davies /
I lay under my mosquito net, curtains and windows wide open allowing in the tranquil sounds of the jungle and temple prayers. After a trip to the toilet, I was horrified to see a spider nearly the size of my hand fall down from under the bowl. It fought the water furiously and I briskly walked out of the bathroom hoping it would be gone when I returned much, much later. I wouldn't say I'm arachnophobic as I can deal with them when necessary, but I do not like spiders. If they're in a web, fine. But the aggressive looking ones that strut around houses aggressively freak me out a bit. Especially, when it's a Sri Lankan Brown Huntsman.
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